Curriculum 7: Upstream and Downstream bioprocesses development and industrialization

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Being aware of USP and DSP process development and technology transfer methodologies and new technological trends in bioproduction.


This training consists of 6 modules:
  • Module 1: Introduction to the methodology of development for cell culture (USP) and purification (DSP) processes*
  • Module 2: Case study applied to the development of an Upstream process (USP)*
  • Module 3: Case study applied to the development of a Downstream Process (DSP)*
  • Module 4: Introduction to Technology Transfer*
  • Module 5: New technological trends in bioproduction
  • Module 6: Case study applied to bioprocess industrialization*
  • Module 7: Case Study applied to bioproduction facility operation
  • Module 8: Final Assessment
*Modules M1, M2 and M3 to be completed in that order.
*Modules M4 and M6 to be completed in that order.

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