Curriculum 5: Quality Control in bioproduction

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Understand the approaches, roles, and importance of Quality Control in bioproduction to ensure the quality and safety of bioproducts.


This training consists of 7 modules:

  • Module 1: Overview of Quality Control
  • Module 2a: Focus on Microbiology
  • Module 3a: Applicative module: microbiological tests
  • Module 2b: Focus on Physico-chemistry and Immunology
  • Module 3b: Applicative module: physicochemical test and immunoassay
  • Module 2c: Focus on viral safety and molecular biology tests
  • Module 3c: Applicative module: viral safety and molecular biology tests
  • Module 4: Validation of analytical methods
  • Module 5: In vitro, in vivo and ex vivo efficacy tests
  • Module 6: Analytical methods: use cases
  • Module 7: Final evaluation

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